УДК 378.16: 811


Перунова Анна Викторовна
Могилевский институт Министерства внутренних дел Республики Беларусь

Данная статья посвящена проблеме межпредметных связей в процессе разработки учебных пособий для практических занятий по иностранному языку. Использование принципа межпредметных связей в процессе создания учебного пособия по иностранному языку является основой обновления и усовершенствования дидактического материала по дисциплине, что позволяет повысить качество знаний учащихся.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, межпредметные связи, профессиональное образование, учебное пособие.


Perunova Anna Viktorovna
Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

The article deals with interdisciplinary connections in the process of creating textbooks for foreign language practicals. The usage of interdisciplinary connections is the foundation of renewal and improvement of didactic contents of education. The principle of interdisciplinary connections makes it possible to improve the quality of students' knowledge.

Keywords: foreign language, interdisciplinary communication, professional education, textbook.

Рубрика: Педагогика

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Перунова А.В. Interdisciplinary communication as the basis of creating profissionsional-orienteted textbooks for foreign language practicals // Психология, социология и педагогика. 2015. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/2015/06/5179 (дата обращения: 29.10.2023).

Interdisciplinary communication is the unity of the contents of education, involving two or more academic disciplines, selection and structuring of material, depending on the goals and objectives due to the specific characters of disciplines. Interdisciplinary communication plays a significant part in the process of creating of professional-orientated textbooks for foreign language practicals ​​in non-linguistic higher educational establishment.

Interdisciplinary communications have a great impact on the composition and structure of didactic material on the discipline. The lecturer should take into consideration the specific character of the future specialists` profession; take into account the students` interests in the process of study foreign language, drawing their knowledge from the professional-orientated disciplines during the creating didactic material for textbooks on foreign language.

The usage of interdisciplinary communications as didactic principle of creating textbooks can change and improve the content of the material. Here we can observe the process of complementary foreign language and professional-orientated disciplines due to the peculiarities of each other.

The learning process is directed to the receiving professional information and mastering speech activities all that help use this information.

For example, learning foreign languages in a law educational institution of higher education, it is not the aim to receive only linguistic knowledge and skills for future specialists. The students begin to learn, master, absorb and use professional vocabulary and other material useful for their future profession from the first practicls on foreign languages.

Reading special literature takes a special place in the process of study foreign language in accord with profession. Reading foreign literature is an excellent means to increase the motivation in the process of education. The ability to read foreign literature opens up great opportunities for the students to get information from the other sources. It will allow the students to fulfill their professional knowledge in practice on a new plane, using experience of foreign specialists.

It is necessary to include thematic texts in didactic material of professional-orientated textbooks, which are taken from the original foreign literature, journals and magazines. Workings with these materials, the students improve not only knowledge in foreign languages, but they get acquainted with unknown terminology, specific concepts and phenomenon peculiar to foreign countries. Thus thanks to the interdisciplinary connections we have possibilities to combine the process of teaching foreign languages with ​​the process of teaching law disciplines.

Working out and selecting didactic materials for conducting practicals in foreign language, we should take into consideration that study of law discipline and appropriate articles or literature on foreign languages has an optimum effect while we work with that material simultaneously. The upperclassmen begin to learn professional disciplines such as public prosecutor’s supervision, international public law, finance law, detective psychology etc., while foreign languages are taught in our institute only in the first years of study. Due to the fact that students read texts that contain new information on these disciplines, we may say that previously obtained information will be important in the future practicals.

Thus the usage of interdisciplinary communication during the process of creating professional-orientated textbooks provides a synthesis of acquired knowledge, which ensures a continuous exchange of methods, principles, ideas from one discipline to another. The usage of principle of interdisciplinary communication in the process of creating textbooks for foreign language practicals plays an important role. It gives possibility to form and develop the students` communicative culture in foreign languages, enlarges future specialists` scope in the legal sphere, contribute to the formation of foreign language culture of communication, promoting common speech development of students.

  1. Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2015. – Access mode: <http://www.definitions.net/definition/interdisciplinary communication>. – Date of access: 23.05. 2015.

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