UDC 159.9


Druzhilov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases under Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novokuznetsk
PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, leading scientific worker of the Department of Human Ecology

The purpose of the article – based on analysis of of literary sources determine set of properties of the man, as well as internal factors and external conditions that are the prerequisites of professionalism. Preconditions of becoming of professionalism – are not only a individual psychological professionally important qualities, general and special abilities, but also the properties of the individual. Is essential social experience of the man, its system of the relations, competitiveness, personal values, meaningful factors of life and labor.

Keywords: competitiveness., general and special abilities, prerequisites, professionalism, professionally important qualities, properties of the person, psychological syndrome, social experience

Category: 3. Psychology

Article reference:
Background psychological syndrome of professionalism of human // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2014/08/3480

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