UDC 371


Zagidullina Liana Masgutovna
Bashkir State University 3rd year student

Due to significant changes in all spheres of public life at the present time the device was the problem of formation of feeling of patriotism among the youth. Today, the younger generation is characterized by the decline of spiritual and moral qualities, a significant decrease of intellectual and cultural level. This problem is exacerbated reassessment of the role of the educational process and underestimate the role of educational activities in society, which greatly improves the relevance of studying the problem of education in the spirit of patriotism of the younger generation.

Category: Common rubric

Article reference:
Modern information technologies of Patriotic education of youth // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2016/05/6685

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