Articles by keyword «академическая мобильность»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Теоретические основы явления академической мобильности в условиях глобализации образовательного пространства Российской Федерации

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Lopatina T.Y. Development of interest and abilities of Railway University students in profession-oriented teaching of the English language

November, 2015

Molokova E.L., Kochkina E.M. Assessment of the prospects for the export of Russian higher education in China

December, 2015

Drutsko N.A. Concerning the issue of renewal of final foreign language exam format in Russian universities

January, 2016

Razhova N.A., Mironova M.N. Development of academic mobility of students

April, 2016

Drutsko N.A. Analysis of specific features of academic mobility preparation in the context of the experience of multilevel approach to ELT

April, 2016

Drutsko N.A. Specific features of the usage of foreign elt complexes in the framework of multilevel approach

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Drutsko N.A. Multilevel approach to language teaching in the context of academic mobility

January, 2015

Verisova A.D., Provkov N.S. The language question in the context of globalization

February, 2017