UDC 316.454.3


Mikhaylova Daria Petrovna
National research university "Higher school of economics"

there was a significant increase in world population in the XXI century. Because of the parallel process of urbanization, most of the population concentrated in the cities, which is particularly noticeable in transport, in the street and in major shopping malls. A striking example - crowded underground metro. In itself, the metro - an interesting phenomenon, where you can meet representatives of different sectors of the population, gender, age and nationality. The article discusses and analyzes the behavior of individuals in the subway. It is proved that a trip on the subway is an important social experience.

Keywords: social experience, subway

Category: Sociology

Article reference:
A ride on the subway as a social experience // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2015/12/6156

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