Articles by keyword «оптимизация»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Оптимизация обучения и изучения иностранного языка на платформе Blackboard

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

О реструктурировании взаимоотношений между преподавателем и студентами при формировании иноязычных мультикомпетенций

№ 3 March 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Kankia A.G. Financial capacity of companies

March, 2013

Velikanova T.V., Ladoshkin A.I. Optimization models of financial activities of waste handlers objects

June, 2014

Gorlach B.A., Shigaeva N.V. The fourier series application for prediction and optimization of delivery costs

July, 2014

Galisenkova O.I. The relevance of business process optimization of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation, at the stage of «Maturity»

April, 2015

Efremov D.V., Efremova V.A., Krieger A.B. Developing business architecture for a small-sized construction enterprise

June, 2016

Generalov I.G., Suslov S.A. Optimization of the structure of sown areas and results of its efficiency in company of the Spassky region of the Nizhny Novgorod region

August, 2016

Krieger A.B., Popenko E.A. Evaluating the effectiveness of the introduction of electronic document management system in the cultural and entertainment center

September, 2016

Bekmurzova L.S. The need for automation of accounting in a small business

November, 2016

Tatarenko A.M. Features of the taxation of promotional activities and marketing research

March, 2017

Оптимизация системы менеджмента предприятия: процессный подход

October, 2017

Пути повышения транзитного потенциала железных дорог Узбекистана

October, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kostenko E.M. Method of multifactorial experiment optimum plans construction on the basis of symbolical sequences

March, 2013

Sorokin D.S., Danilov A.M. Optimization method of structure and properties of composite materials

May, 2014

Shaidullina L.I. Economic and mathematical model to optimize the volume of output in the value stream

June, 2014

Gorlach B.A., Shigaeva N.V. Delivery costs optimization for the enterprise of the industrial sector

June, 2014

Danilov A.M., Nugaev A.S. Design systems on characteristics of dynamic processes

October, 2014

Shaidullin R.F. The main provisions of reengineering

October, 2014

Garkina I.A., Volkova T.N. Expertise to optimize multi-purpose system

October, 2014

Pchelintsev I.A., Garkina I.A. Iterative method develop a global quality criterion

December, 2014

Tarasov R.V., Makarova L.V., Shashkina M.V. Optimization of heat-resistant composite materials based on slag and clay active methods of experimental design

February, 2015

Zagrebaev A.M., Samanchuk V.N. Optimization of discrete control of physical fields

February, 2015

Meirbekov D.K. Business Process Reengineering in an organization

March, 2015

Naumov A.A., Naumova A.A. To problems of transport model on basis of correspondence matrix

May, 2015

Baburin S.V. Choice directions of optimization of industrial facilities power supply systems

May, 2015

Gerneza V.V. Cost management in the enterprise of public catering

June, 2015

Naumov A.A., Naumova A.A. A new approach to estimation of yield and optimization of integrated projects

August, 2015

Naumov A.A., Naumova A.A., Vetrov A.N. To problems of integrated investment projects optimization

November, 2015

Frolov S.V. Application of the method of generation a business model for the development and optimization of the investment project business plan

October, 2016

Eremin A.Y., Zhirnykh E.O. Modeling and optimization of the administrative organizational processes «The organization of examinations and certification»

January, 2017

Zhirnykh E.O., Akhmadullin R.I. Application of modern techniques and tools for optimizing business processes of service industries

January, 2017

Akhmadullin R.I., Eremin A.Y. Modeling and optimization of delivery service’s business processes

January, 2017

Gudkova S.A., Kolcheva I.D. The methodology of TQM in optimization process of organization

February, 2017

Оценка влияния себестоимости продукции на финансовый результат деятельности предприятия и пути ее оптимизации

May, 2017

Из истории создания САПР прокатного оборудования на Уралмашзаводе

October, 2017

Проектирование системы управления процессами организации «Провод и кабель»

December, 2017

Трансаксиллярная субфасциальная маммопластика: подходы к оптимизации результатов

October, 2018

Оптимизация логистических издержек на предприятии

June, 2019

Значение оптимизации при работе в Exel

December, 2019

Оптимизация производственных процессов путем внедрения дополнительных операций в технологический процесс производства

December, 2019

Экспертные оценки в принятии управленческих решений

October, 2020

Разработка определителя вероятностей возможных исходов в игре «Мемори»

March, 2021

Glushchenko V.V. The task of optimizing the level of information openness/secrecy in the activities of a commercial organization

May, 2021

Возможности автоматизации интернет-маркетинга компании с помощью технологий машинного обучения

May, 2021

Оптимизации логистических процессов на предприятии

January, 2022

Оптимизация документооборота с помощью облачных систем

June, 2023

Исследование и анализ методов оптимизации производительности веб-приложений

October, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Yashkova E.V., Kamkin N.V. Implementation of corporate culture in the hospitality company

October, 2015

Symonenko I.V., Shuldeshov L.S. Possible improvements in military training in civilian universities (according to the experience of the military department communication SPBPU)

March, 2016

Оптимизация процесса выдачи кредита физическим лицам

May, 2017

Возможности телесно-ориентированных технологий в коррекции звукопроизношения у детей дошкольного возраста с общим недоразвитием речи

May, 2021

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Баранов В.А. Оптимизация агролесоландшафтов Юго-востока Европейской России (к 120 летию Докучаевской экспедиции)

September, 2012

Sviridova M.S., Danilov A.M. Analytical description of characteristics epoxy composites

June, 2014

Belov I.V., Vinokurov A.S., Bazhenov R.I. Using the Pareto criterion to make the best decisions about choosing a hard drive

January, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Kostenko E.M. Program complex for research and construction automation optimum plans of experiment

March, 2013

Posmitniy E.V., Medovshchikov M.I. The vehicle detectors amount optimization technique for using in urban traffic control systems

April, 2013

Bykovsky M.A. Model of typical site's development. Customer's guide

April, 2014

Vinokurov A.S., Bazhenov R.I. Using the analytic hierarchy process to make the best decisions about choosing a digital camera

September, 2014

Vinokurov A.S., Belov I.V., Bazhenov R.I. Using the Pareto criterion to make the best decisions about choosing a digital camera

October, 2014

Vinokurov A.S., Belov I.V., Bazhenov R.I. The use of fuzzy preference relations to make better decisions on choosing a digital camera

November, 2014

Koptev V.U. Methodology for selection of transport vehicles for the formation of the transport systems of mining enterprises

April, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Gorbenko A.Y., Bazhenov R.I. Разработка урока по теме «Оптимизационное моделирование» в курсе информатики и ИКТ 11 класса

December, 2014

Tushko K.Y. Features of teaching social sciences in higher military educational institution border agency

April, 2015