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UDC 159.922.1
Smirnova Viktoria Evgen'evna
Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance
Candidate of sociological sciences, doctoral student of the department of sociology and personnel management Author of over 50 scientific works, including 1 monograph. Sphere of scientific interests is a sociology and psychology of work, professional orientation.
Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance
Candidate of sociological sciences, doctoral student of the department of sociology and personnel management Author of over 50 scientific works, including 1 monograph. Sphere of scientific interests is a sociology and psychology of work, professional orientation.
The article considers the factors influencing the professional self-determination, including the individual-psychological characteristics, internal socially significant motivation, professional family continuity, high profitability and the prestige of the profession. The hypothesis about a motivational bases of conduct of men and women, choosing a profession, «the obstetrician-gynecologist and urologist-andrologist, respectively. Lists the concepts of professional development, the author analyzes the specifics of physiology of the sexes as a factor of opposites gender interests, orientation and preferences. It is concluded that professionally-official status of the male does not affect the reflex principles of regulation of sexual functions and associated reactions. Considered psychosexual theory of personality development and elements of ethological paradigm. Defines the role of the collective unconscious and total male polygamy as the criteria determining the choice of the young men of the applicants of «women's» professions. In the final part of the work contains a whole range of factors that impact on professional self-determination of potential students in favor of investigated areas of the medical Affairs.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Flaws occupational segregation: the gender aspect of the choice of a speciality «obstetrics and gynecology» // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2013. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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