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UDC 372.881.161.1
Krylova Maria Nikolaevna
Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy
PhD in Philological Science, Assistant Professor of the Professional Pedagogy and Foreign Languages Department
Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy
PhD in Philological Science, Assistant Professor of the Professional Pedagogy and Foreign Languages Department
The article suggests the forms of individual tasks on the theme "The noun" for strong pupils: heuristic questions and individual tasks, including combined and intrasubject.
Keywords: heuristic questions, individual assignments, individualization of teaching, intrasubject communications, the differentiation of teaching
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Assignments elevated levels on «The noun» // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2013. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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