UDC 811.161


Antamoshkinа Zinaida Semenovna
The municipal budget educational institution Alekseevskaya Secondary School, Alekseevskogo municipal district of Volgograd region
teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category,

It is known that in the fixed universal educational action is divided into four parts: 1) personal - use student comprehension exercises , evaluation of life situations , actions and ability to correlate events , willingness to self-determination , smysloobrazovanie , moral and ethical orientation . 2) regulatory - the ability to independently formulate the task to define the purpose , and 3) cognitive - comparison and selection of information , the ability to structure knowledge , consciously build verbal expression in speech and writing, information extraction from texts , free orientation in texts of different styles , the ability to detail or . compressed transfer content source 4) communication - these versatile training activities provide accounting positions of others - namely, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue , to participate in the discussion of educational issues , own monologue and dialogue forms of speech in accordance with the language rules .
Work with text in Russian lesson focuses on the formation of communicative speech competencies students grades 5-6 and the development of students in grades 7-9 .

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Forms of works with text // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2014/02/2842

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