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UDC 159.923.2
Nagornova Anna Yur'evna
Togliatti State University
Ph.D., associate professor, senior researcher at the Research Division
Togliatti State University
Ph.D., associate professor, senior researcher at the Research Division
The article raises the problem of the formation psychologically com - Fortney environment for the elderly. The characteristic problems of older people who need to be addressed in the present conditions change the socio-economic and interpersonal relationships, a sharp decline in living standards of various sectors of society, as well as creating a psychologically comfortable environment for older persons. Topical application problem is confirmed by the results conducted in 2010-2011 empirical research to identify the psychological characteristics of the elderly.
Keywords: elderly people, psychologically comfortable environment, the problems of older people
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Formation psychologically comfortable environment for Seniors // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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