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UDC 372.862
Kulbaba Sergey Vladimirovich1, Chygryn Aleksey Andreevich2, Timchuk Dmitriy Sergeevich3
1Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, associated Professor of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
2Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, PhD in Technical Sciences, associated Professor of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
3Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, Assistant of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
1Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, associated Professor of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
2Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, PhD in Technical Sciences, associated Professor of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
3Petro Vasylenko Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture, Assistant of the Technical Systems and Technologies of Livestock Department
The article is results of application of multimedia technologies research. Studies suggest that the multimedia learning tools are promising and highly effective tool to improve the quality of the educational process in higher educational institutions.
Keywords: classes, education, information, media technology, students
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Application of multimedia technology in education // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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