Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso
The world we live in makes many rules. And the main life principle is that we are absolutely independent making decisions, but the place with no activity is empty. What I mean is that hoping your good fortune you’ll never be successful. It is felt by many people that only the lucky men achieve the goal. My opinion is basically different. As I see, people have enough possibilities of the prosperous life but don’t use them.
I feel that successful educational course can incredibly change life and help people to realize all plans and dreams. Good education exactly determines future plans, develop people as specialists and gives broad experience. The problem is how to achieve the goal and become a real professional in the world of formal education. Weak points of Russian education are analyzed into the folder [1], where the characteristic, results and criticism of changes in Russian law [2] are given.
I’d like to mention one of the basic problems – a disinterest of children in learning. Just remember your school ages, how it was difficult sometimes to force yourself to do home task. Children prefer playing games and communication. Idea of combining activity we like with activity we need is one of the basic topics of suggested research.
The aim of Innovation School is to develop intellectual faculties, aptitudes for inventing and strong moral qualities of children using innovative methods and materials.
The main point of my model is “a game-action and project education”. Just imagine: children study playing games! You can doubt in efficiency of such a system, but I have many arguments for it. Firstly, nowadays almost every child likes playing computer games, consequently, this is the great motivation for studying. Secondly, children remember all the facts from the games, because they are involved in playing process. Finally, it is proved scientifically by psychologists that the game is the best way of cognition and social adaptation due to the modeling of real situations. When children fulfill serious missions, education becomes not the aim but the means and they really want to study.
There are three stages of the project realization.
- “New interactive course” realization. The course is based on game missions, where a game team teaches and examines a player, giving tasks and encouraging by showing new cartoons. For the teenagers this course is more serious and is based on an intensive project system. The program develops moral qualities, outlook, imagination, uses special methods of memory acceleration and provides all useful materials for studying. It also takes into consideration psychological structure of the brain. The program has a voice-activated control and other peculiarities for visually handicapped and disabled children. The course for the high school is much more intensive and practical than similar ones and contains special instruments for memorization.
- “Training online-system” implementation. The system is based on the “New interactive course” materials and includes control system, communications service, connecting students with professors and foreign students in real time for asking questions and the language level control. The system provides games, project contests, useful materials and information. It motivates students to invent by the contests organization with different prizes.
- Establishing of the real school, using these materials as a home task. No lessons, no lectures – only games (for lowest level) and projects (for highest level) plus conferences. High-quality laboratories for innovative activity. Projects promotion due to relations with the investors.
Theoretical course includes the intensive practical course and materials for personal development.
The studying process includes conferences, laboratory work, project work and presentations, controlling tests, games with trainers, sports groups and competitions, creative classes, performances. Children mainly work in the team.
The grouping of students makes the studying process more efficient. There are three study classes: high, intermediate and elementary. The high group includes only students, gifted in inventive activity, whose parents don’t have to pay for education. They must collaborate with investors in the project realization. The students of intermediate class have aptitudes for various activities and are interested in development. They attend chosen classes and groups. The pupils of elementary level choose some subjects in order to enter the University.
Innovation School has an advanced motivation system with prizes, excursions, grants for participation in contests and correctional work for violation of discipline.
The financial provision of the School is based on three funds: parents, investment and charitable fund. Investors, school and children get money for different paid cultural events, organized for the public, and for inventions promotion and realization.
The inclusive education of disabled children is put into practice at the expense of charitable fund. The school has a special library with deaf-aids and bionic glasses. Trainers use special methods of socialization of disabled children.
I have adduced the generalities of my project. The program will broaden outlook, imagination, use special methods of memory acceleration. The software will take into consideration individual speed of subject mastering and automatically change speed of material presentation. It also has special peculiarities for disabled children.
The difference between my educational application and others is its motivation system; it makes children involved into studying process. This is the first study course which provides cognition and social adaptation of children, includes elements of moral development. Innovative elements, such as a technology of memory acceleration and abilities for disabled children, make it a product of new level.
In conclusion I would like to say that education investment develops the regional economy, that’s why my project not only has prospects but also has an important economical meaning for our region. Social researches in the field of education [3] verify the efficiency of this system and possible economic effect of its implementation.
- Шигаева Н.В. Моделирование и внедрение инновационной образовательной технологии, преодолевающей недостатки современного образования // Современная педагогика. – Апрель 2014. – № 4 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 30.04.2014)
- Федеральный закон от 8 мая 2010 г. N 83-ФЗ “О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации в связи с совершенствованием правового положения государственных (муниципальных) учреждений”
- Официальный сайт Федеральной службы государственной статистики. URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2014).