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UDC 159.9; 159.922; 159.923.2
Ponomarenko Victoria Vladimirovna
Poltava Institute of еconomics and law "Open international University of human development "Ukraine"
assistant Professor of law
Poltava Institute of еconomics and law "Open international University of human development "Ukraine"
assistant Professor of law
In the article on the basis of scientific-methodological analysis shows the state of the problem of consciousness and awareness in modern psychological literature; contents, structure, and given definition of these concepts; conducted professorate the analysis of activity of the lawyer. Empirically proven leading role in motivation, communicative, emotional, and intellectual development of a personality in the development of professional consciousness of a lawyer.
Keywords: human rights activities, professional consciousness, sense of justice, the identity of the lawyer
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Psychological peculiarities of professional consciousness of lawyers // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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