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UDC 383.1
Sartakova Elena Evgenievna1, Pokoev Evgeny Romanovich2
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language
2Tomsk Polytechnic University, Student, gr.2Д33, Institute of Natural Resources
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language
2Tomsk Polytechnic University, Student, gr.2Д33, Institute of Natural Resources
In article proved that formation of ideas of socio-cultural modernization of education was carried out at the end of XX – the beginning of the XXI century in the process of formation of separate concepts and theories in the field of philosophy, economy, sociology, pedagogics. In the conditions of rural areas of Russia authors carry the following to number of prerequisites of socio-cultural modernization of education: development of information society in Russia, existence of specific characteristics of formation of network economy in rural areas, partial success of a "technological" stage of modernization in rural school, etc.
Keywords: information society, prerequisites, rural educational institution, socio-cultural modernization of education
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Prerequisites of socio-cultural modernization of education in Russia // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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