The culture of language is the problem that is somehow available in each local community and is the subject of public debate and careful attention of linguists and all people who care about the expressive possibilities of words or the prestige of their language.
After all, the literary language of all nations is different from speaking, and needs constant care and cultivation. As noted by T. Gritsenko, “if man has culture of speech, then this person has developed intellect and high general culture” [1, p. 50].
Scientists argue persuasively that language culture is of great national and social value: it provides a high level of verbal communication, effective implementation of language functions, improvement of relationships between people, contributes to the overall culture of the individual and society as a whole, language is improving through the speech culture [2, S. 208-209].
For many types of speakers improvement of their own language culture is one of their professional functions, including managers at various levels, engineers, officers, employees whose professional life is connected with communication.
We offer ten most important ways to improve personal language culture:
- To produce stable speech skills and self-introspection, bearing in mind the famous saying of Voltaire that any wonderful idea loses its value when it is poorly expressed.
- Actively work out educational materials on spelling and style of language, dictionaries and reference books.
- Study broadcast masters of the word (writers, scholars, speakers, actors), to use their experience in their own practice.
- Read aloud (especially prose texts) in compliance with all aspects of normativity (orthoepy and accent), using modern technical means, including audio and video recordings.
- Memorize artistic and journalistic works that enrich the vocabulary, learn enable to learn common language structures.
- Saturate memory with phraseology, idioms that make speech brighter, more accurate, cleverer and more concise.
- Develop the habit of talking slowly, without slurring words, with logical and expressive pauses.
- Accustom oneself to systematically record own thoughts and observations, writing diaries, chronicles etc.
- Develop the habit of reading “with a pencil in hand,” noting some phrases, aphorisms, thoughts, etc., in order to work out them later.
- Do not miss interesting literary novelties.
So modern highly qualified specialist, intended to solve immediate problems, to perform the function of the team leader, cannot do without fluency in all means of verbal communication.
Therefore, the current training in non humanitarian institution of higher education should include not only the study of Ukrainian language (for professional purposes), but also compulsory mastering of a number of other disciplines that aim to teach the cadet the secrets of verbal communication, give him/her the skills of preparation of production meetings, oral public speech, the formulation of scientific thesis, meeting with business partners and others.
Taking into account that the culture of speech directly depends on the culture and development of thinking communication and culture, the volume of language courses should be increased in higher educational institutions by adding such important components as “rhetoric”, “foundations of linguistic etiquette”, “culture of business communication” and so on and approve these courses as the required component to the curriculum.
- Гриценко Т.Б. Українська мова та культура мовлення / Т.Б. Гриценко. – Київ: Центр навчальної літератури, 2003. – 268 с.
- Іванишин В. Мова і нація / Василь Іванишин, Ярослав Радевич-Винницький. – Дрогобич: Видавнича фірма «Відродження», 1994. – 218 с.