One of the main problems in the area of personnel policy in recent years has become a problem of employment of young specialists. They enter the labor market in search of work after graduating. A characteristic feature of university graduates are the lack of the required level of skills and expertise and combination of high level of theoretical training. This makes the young specialist unattractive for more employers. Awareness of good preparation by young graduate, possession of certain professional ambitions, striving for success in career growth form at the young specialist excessive demands on future work in terms of the nature, conditions and wages. There is a contradiction between the assessment of beginning specialist by the employer and self-esteem of young graduate, the result of which is often the inability to find jobs.
Employment of young specialist and the beginning of his work in the profession is a crucial stage in the life, and success in employment is one of the most important indicators of the quality of education. State distribution of graduates after higher education institutions is absent in the current environment. Firstly, it provides greater opportunities for the implementation of the graduate as a young specialist chooses his professional career in the future. But the reverse side, the graduate himself must make the effort to find the place of work and employment in a situation where there is a limitation on the number of vacancies, and applying them a lot.
The lack of experience affects the ability of young graduates to new technologies. In practice, young people are more conservative than workers belonging to middle age. Specialists with experience can accurately evaluate the advantages and disadvantages in this situation, and the beginning expert can’t execute it, despite his good theoretical knowledge and a broad outlook. But, young professionals have less resistance to innovation, but not in the attraction to him, but because of lack of inclination to the old.
If we compare the young graduates with other age groups of workers, it can be characterized by the longest period of the forthcoming disability that can be claimed to varying degrees by employers.
The highest education level, usually attributed to graduates in comparison with other age group of workers, isn’t indisputable in the modern Russian conditions for a long time.
Economic profiles, an education on which get bachelors at Samara Cossack Institute of food industry and business, are focused on training highly qualified economists, who will possess the knowledge and competencies, that are in demand for work in the field of international economic relations and the world economy. Bachelors get good knowledge of international: monetary and financial relations, trade, the activities of international economic organizations, banking, and others.
During training the First Cossack University offers bachelor opportunity to know and learn a lot of that in the future will allow being more in demand than other specialists in the labor market. This is reflected in the implementation of: the features of foreign economic relations and the main directions of foreign economic policy; economies of different countries and regions of the world, the place and role of individual countries in the world economy; the role of international trade in the development of the national economy and the impact of tariffs on the welfare of the country; content and principles of the foreign economic activity of enterprises; rules of foreign trade and international financial transactions; in which country is beneficial to invest in production and in what place the cash in the bank; how work the world financial markets, and why there are global economic and financial crisis.
On the basis of the foregoing, it must be concluded that sensible approach to choosing future profession is very important. It is necessary to carry out the accurate analysis for himself, which the criterion will answer a row: wages, employability on the labor market, the skills learned during training, career opportunities, and foresee options workplace, where student will be implemented and achieve professional growth after graduation.
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