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UDC 159.99
Tkachenko Oksana Viktorovna
Moscow city University of psychology and education (msupe)
faculty of extreme psychology
Moscow city University of psychology and education (msupe)
faculty of extreme psychology
It is shown that the crisis neoplasms six years of age are the following: disobedience, accented behaviors, moods. Given the point of view of L. S. Vygotsky on what the cause of these behavioral changes is the intellectual aspect is the loss of spontaneity and the emergence of a gap between feelings and actions. It is noted that the appearance of this moment can be the basis for the formation of intellectual readiness of children for school. Strong-willed child's readiness for school is associated with the transformation of stubbornness in perseverance, Caprice can be seen as a forerunner of readiness to insist on and development of arbitrariness. Motivational readiness is formed as a result of all neoplasms preschool age, preparing the child's need for new activities that will better fit his new expectations.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
The willingness of younger students to teach in middle school // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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