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UDC 32
Sinkina Tatyana Igorevna
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
Article is devoted to research of image of Vladimir Miklushevsky from the beginning of its way of formation by the governor. Each of us dreams much and it is good. We dream, we appoint the purpose, we aspire to it, we achieve success. Vladimir Miklushevsky not an exception. [1] I consider that this subject is very actual. Image of the civil servant is an indicator of how society trusts the authorities. Image is also criterion of an assessment by society of efficiency of activity of the state which carries out various transformations. In article his positive formation is told about elements of image of the Governor also. Article describes how image of the Governor of Primorsk region positively affects image of all Primorsk regions in general. [2] This article is written on the basis of course design on a subject: "Formation of image of the public servant, on the example of V. V. Miklushevsky".
Keywords: course design, Governor, image, Primorsky Krai, the efficiency of the civil servant, the formation, trust power, Vladimir Miklushevsky
Category: Common rubric
Article reference:
"The Governor - intellectual" - a vivid image in our policy // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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