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UDC 37.013
Moshkin Vladimir Nikolaevich1, Lapayeva Anna Ivanovna2
1Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Education, Professor, Department of Physical Education
2JSC Svetodiodnye resheniya, manager
1Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Doctor of Education, Professor, Department of Physical Education
2JSC Svetodiodnye resheniya, manager
In article on the basis of the developed in pedagogy and psychology concepts outlined the results of the study model of education psychological safety culture, revealed the results of a study of the structure, functions, purposes, content, tools, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of education psychological safety culture in the educational process.
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Structure of education psychological safety culture // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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