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UDC 316.37
Klenova Milena Aleksandrovna1, Zakharova Yulia Sergeyevna2
1Saratov state University, PhD in Psychology, assistant Professor, Department of social psychology of education development
2Saratov state University, 5th year’s student of the Saratov state University
1Saratov state University, PhD in Psychology, assistant Professor, Department of social psychology of education development
2Saratov state University, 5th year’s student of the Saratov state University
Results of the research devoted to influence studying individual and psychological features of the personality on tendency to a stress are given in article. it is established that tendency to a stress depends on thinking level. The intelligence is higher, the higher tendency to a stress is shown more often. Tendency to a stress depends on sociability. The examinees who are characterized by communicativeness more often are subject to a stress. Directly proportional connection between tendency to a stress and emotional burning out is established.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Individual and psychological features of readness to a stress // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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