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UDC 159.9
Tishkov Elizabeth Sergeevna
The branch of the "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" in Essentuki (Russia)
The branch of the "Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute" in Essentuki (Russia)
The article presents the results of a study of the causal field committing suicidal acts acceptable for today's high school students. Title to this problem is due to the increase of suicidal actions by young people. It is alleged that the youth are preferred causes of suicide, distinguishing them from the causes of suicide in other age groups. Assuming that this feature is due to the specifics of the picture of the world of young people, the author has attempted to link the subjective acceptability of suicide and formed their personal security priorities. Based on a survey sample of university students, it was found that the students focused on the safety of the family, psychological, and security as the current development have a wider range of acceptable reasons for suicide than students with a focus on the security of the state, physical, strategic and stable. Perhaps the first group of priority security makes them more vulnerable, "sensitive" to the action and the imaginary negative factors of life.
Keywords: attribution, causality field young, college-age, personal safety, subjective priorities psychological safety, suicidal intent, suicide
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Subjective attribution suicidal students with different priorities of personal safety // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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