Modern society is characterized by rapidly running renewal processes in all areas of public relations. The deep transformations taking place in our country, lead to fundamental changes in education, new and great demands are imposed on training, upbringing and young people development.
The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2020 defines the necessity to focus education not only on the absorption of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of student’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities”. Education should provide not only knowledge that will be needed in future, but also knowledge, abilities and skills that can help the child in solving his immediate life problems today.
In accordance with FSES foreign languages teaching in elementary school is focused on the development of communicative competence, which involves the ability to understand and produce foreign-language statements under the specific situation and objective; on the formation of multicultural creative individual with an active social position.
Nowadays education has the challenge to bring up not only the creative, all-round man, but also who is flexibly oriented in ever-changing reality, ready to learn essentially new areas and kinds of activity. In this regard, special importance attaches to the problem of study of interest to younger students in a foreign language.
This problem was studied by G. N. Belova, S. V. Borisova, M. V. Kurochkina, N. N. Posmetkina, I. V. Soykina, T. V. Shorohova and others.
The younger school age is a favorable period for intellectual pupils’ development, acquisition of scientific knowledge, methods of educational activities.
Sh. A. Amonashvili, V.V. Davydov, L.I. Schukina, etc. note that educational needs, the desire to study are peculiar to children of younger school age.
According to A. K. Markova, N. G. Morozova, etc. by the end of primary school age there is a decrease of interest in studying, because at this time there is a transformation of cognitive demands in cognitive interests. Therefore, one of the main directions in the work with younger school students is the development of educational activity by the ability formation to learn.
T. V. Shorohova considers the formation of interest in the activities of the teacher as the sustainable development of conscious purposeful needs of students in their acquisition of a subject role in the interaction with teachers, students and with himself, for both the achievement of the education goal, and self-education and self-upbringing [2].
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to identify a number of conditions which promote the effective formation of a positive attitude to learning. The most important of them are: the formation of educational motivation through the assimilation of scientific concepts, the disclosure of the conditions of their origin, the formation of a specific learning activity (V. V. Davydov, A. K. Markova, D. B. Elkonin), training at a high level of difficulty (L.V. Zankov), development of creative productive thinking (Z. I. Kalmykova). E. I. Kirichuk, T. A. Mathis, M. V. Matyukhina, V. V. Rubtsov, G. A. Zuckerman and others open the stimulating role of social motives for cooperation in positive formation attitude to learning [1].
One of the terms to form younger school students’ interest to a foreign language is a maximum reliance on active cognitive activity of students. The main ground for the development of cognitive students’ strengths and capabilities are in the situation of solving cognitive tasks, situations of active search, guesses, thoughts, situations of cognitive tension, situations of conflicting judgments, collisions of different positions in which you need to understand yourself, to make the decision, to choose a certain point of view.
The following condition is the formation of cognitive interests at younger school students and the personality in general.
Creation of the favorable emotional atmosphere of the student cognitive activity is the most important condition to form a cognitive interest and the student personality development in the educational process. This term connects the whole set of learning functions – educational, developing, upbringing and it has the direct and indirect impact on interest. The fourth condition providing a beneficial influence on the interest and on the personality in general is a favorable communication in educational process.
According to the concept of communicative teaching in a foreign language upbringing as a part of education should permeate the entire learning process. Everything brings up: the content of the texts, and how they are issued, and what the teacher says and how he says it.
A foreign language teaching gives the teacher wide opportunities to bring up civic consciousness, patriotism, individual high moral qualities. Communicative orientation of the subject contributes to it, the subject focuses on the life, customs, traditions and, first of all, the language of another nation. The study of a foreign culture by means of language is possible only on the formation of a national and cultural basis of the native language. Any knowledge acquired by using a foreign language will be perceived only through the prism of the knowledge created in the course of mastering the native culture.
Thus, early foreign language learning promotes to:
- the development of mental processes necessary for the formation of language capacity and communicative abilities of younger school students;
- the improving all sides of the Russian language: vocabulary expansion, mastering of speech hearing, development of dialogical and monologue speech;
- the socialization of the child through communication with adults which is aimed at the achieving mutual understanding, receiving an adult estimate of own personality properties and qualities through the ability to interact with counterparts;
- the development of emotional and strong-willed qualities of a child: the abilities to overcome obstacles in achieving goals based on the child’s interest in achieving this goal, as well as the ability to estimate the results of their achievements correctly.
- Посмёткина Н.Н. Формирование мотивации учения младших школьников в условиях совместной деятельности на материале изучения иностранного языка: автореф. дис. … канд. псих. наук. – Курск, 2007. – 22 с.
- Шорохова Т.В. Формирование интереса младших школьников к деятельности учителя в процессе изучения иностранного языка: автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. – Екатеринбург, 2005. – 19 с.