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UDC 159.99
Gornakova Natalya Sergeevna
JSC Russian Railways East Siberian Directorate of traffic management railway station Irkutsk-Sortirovochniy
engineer for implementation of quality management systems and lean manufacturing technology
JSC Russian Railways East Siberian Directorate of traffic management railway station Irkutsk-Sortirovochniy
engineer for implementation of quality management systems and lean manufacturing technology
This article reveals the question of motivation of membership in trade Union. Theme's relevance was backed up the current situation in trade unions of various companies. The cases and reasons for refusal of membership in trade Union and out are considered. Also the reasons of trade Union membership in the largest social group ware presented and analyzed. This group was selected from the structure of trade unions. The article can be used as a practical guide, because the effective "tools of motivation" are proposed.
Keywords: motivation of trade Union membership, the motive of self-realization, the need for self-actualization, the tools and techniques of motivation
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
The motivation of membership in trade Union // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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