UDC [159.922+340.11]:17.022.1-057.36


Kobets Alexander Vladimirovich
National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine
Associate Professor of the Chair of Supervision Missions and Protection of the People’s Interests. Ph.D. (Psychology). Senior Counsellor of Justice.

Professional аctivities of a jurisprudent is еxtraordinary complex and multifaceted as it is connected with the work of state establishments and statesmen of different levels of hierarchy which is directed to the protection of state interests, interests and rights of citizens. Training of highly-qualified prosecutors should guarantee the solving of major problems: formation of adequate professional motivation; purposefulness on solving socially important tasks; formation of high professional competencies which means the unity of professional knowledge, erudition and ways of effective implementation of their activity; the development of adequate vocational complex of professionally important personal qualities.

Keywords: personal qualities, professional competence, professional motivation, professional аctivity, purposefulness

Category: 3. Psychology

Article reference:
System professionally important personal qualities prosecutor // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2015/01/4263

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