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UDC 159.99
Tkachenko Oxana Viktorovna
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
master student
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
master student
Primary school age is not the age of the leading developments in the formation of identity, which, in the opinion of many, is adolescence and still in this period, quite obviously personality is formed. Parish school institution is, as already noted and emphasized by many, is a critical stage in the life of every child. There are new relationships with the surrounding older, with teachers, peers and classmates, the child is included in a system of groups (class, school). The student is included in a new activity - the doctrine that dictates a number of important requirements of the child, pushes it to dominate your way of life hard for the organization, regulation and order. All this is a defining impact on the formation and fixation of another, a new system of relations to reality - to others, to the staff, teaching and related functions, develops character, spirit, and will, increase the range of interests, determines the formation of abilities. The acquisition of moral norms and rules of conduct. In the early school years lay the Foundation of moral behavior, you receive the understanding of moral traditions and foundations of behavior, begins to develop a form of social oriented personality. The moral nature of younger pupils experiencing significant changes from 1 to class 4. Moral concepts, views, and arguments to the end of elementary school age dramatically and powerfully replenished, becoming more and more aware, diverse and collectively. Moral reasoning of students 1 and 2 classes are organized on the experience of their own behavior and on the specific instructions and explanations of teachers and parents, children often repeat them, but they do not always think of their content, also behave students 3 classes, in addition to experience their own behavior and recommendations older, try to consider and analyze the experience of other people. Much greater influence gets a reading fiction and watching children's movies. Also born and moral behavior. Children 7-8 years do definitely good moral actions, often following a direct instruction from parents or teachers. Students 3-4 classes much more can commit such acts in his own personal desire, without waiting for instructions.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Personality development in early school age // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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