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UDC 316.728
Komf Evgeniya Valentinovna1, Barinova Dariya Konstantinovna2, Basharina Nataliya Mihailovna3, Kastina Kseniya Konstantinovna4, Obraztsova Margarita Igorevna5
1Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», assistant at Department of sociology, faculty of Humanities
2Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
3Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
4Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
5Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
1Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», assistant at Department of sociology, faculty of Humanities
2Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
3Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
4Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
5Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», student of the faculty of business, specialty "Business-Informatics"
In the work are given the results of pilot sociological study “Features of leisure activity by young couples”. On the authors’ opinion, in the context of this problem most important is the determination of features of factors that have influence on the choice of forms of spare time among young couples.
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
Features of leisure activity by young couples // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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