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UDC 172.4 (179.7)
Avagimov Anton Pavlovich1, Dedyulina Marina Anatolevna2
1Southern Federal University, student
2Southern Federal University, PhD in Philosophy Science, Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy
1Southern Federal University, student
2Southern Federal University, PhD in Philosophy Science, Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy
This work is dedicated to the ethical review conducted a socio-scientific experiments in concentration camps during World War II.It has been shown that medical experiments conducted by scientists - doctors in concentration camps show the inhumane and inhuman treatment of people.Although today some scientists critical about the Nuremberg trials, but in our opinion, it is important not to forget that it was he who published the numerous crimes that have been committed during the period of the Great Patriotic War and the World War II.
Keywords: concentration camps, death, humanity, medical experiments, Violence
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
Ethical reflection on scientific experiments in concentration camps // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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