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UDC 159.923.2, 159.953
Avanesyan Marina Olegovna
Saint-Petersburg State University
PhD in Psychology, senior lecturer, department of general psychology
Saint-Petersburg State University
PhD in Psychology, senior lecturer, department of general psychology
Autobiographical texts are a way to tell others about yourself and at the same time to better understand yourself. The objective was to define the spatial characteristics by which a person comprehend his own life. A qualitative analysis of 27 autobiographies was hold. The results of the study can be used to describe the psychological space of the personality and its development. Localization, metric, depth and breadth of the borders were described as spatial characteristics of the elements of autobiography.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Metaphor of Space in autobiographical Self-Narratives // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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