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UDC 159.95
Antipenko Oleg Egorovich
Vitebsk State University
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Vitebsk State University
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Relevance of the article due to the fact that at the present time, the use of computer information technologies (ITC) in the learning process is gaining in popularity among educators - practitioners because of their obvious advantages over traditional methods of learning. One of the central issues arising from a common set of problems is a problem of perception by students of computer text, which directly affects the efficiency of the processing of information and its use. This dictates the need for development, which would allow researchers, developers and educators understand the role of Kit and the multidimensional aspects related to them.
The purpose of this work was to study the nature and quality of perception of the educational text on the screen of a computer monitor as compared to the printed text.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was the development of recent years well-known American researchers working in the field of educational psychology metacognitive (Roger Azevedo, Barry J. Zimmerman, Ann Leslie Brown). The study used a method used focus groups (or, as it is called, focused interview), an experimental method for defining the role of the computer in the process of metakognitsy reading Tex read the international research program "Study of the quality of reading and understanding the text» PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study).
Results. The results of this study show that the reading and understanding of web texts and online texts statistically differ little from each other. The differences observed in the content and procedural terms. The study emphasizes the predominant contribution metacognitive regulatory processes in education.
Keywords: computer technologies, reading, web text, online text, way of reading, regulatory processes, computer learning environment.
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Analysis of the effectiveness of perception and computer printed text into education // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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