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UDC 316.1
Wiegel Narine Liparitovna
Rostov State Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
Rostov State Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
The paper contemplates the person in modern information society. The person doesn't represent himself from technical devices any more. The concept of the surpassing power of computers is related to reconsideration that there is a person himself much more, but not with the technologies which captured essence of human reason after all the person is what shows responsibility, wisdom, sympathy, compassion, self-sacrifice, expresses opinion and judgment.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, civilization tension, culture, equipment, globalization, information society, person, philosophy
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
The Man in information society // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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