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UDC 316.1
Wiegel Narine Liparitovna
Rostov State Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
Rostov State Medical University
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of department of History and philosophy
The paper contemplates slowing or slow culture in the modern world in response to acceleration of global culture where the fatigue from the speed and amount of information, processes, events increase. The main characteristic of “the slow movement" is that it has nominated the concept not of wasting of forces to activity imitation and visibility, slow, thoughtful reading, gradual and stage-by-stage understanding, slow and conscious studying, pleasure, but not fast unemotional "absorption" is propagandized.
Keywords: culture, ethics, globalization, globalization of culture, man, slowing, society, spirituality
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
Slowing as alternative of globalization // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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