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UDC 159.922.1
Semenovа Lidia Eduardovna1, Urusova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna2
1Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University of Kozma Minin (Minin University), doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of classical and practical psychology
2Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University of Kozma Minin (Minin University), postgraduate student of the department of classical and practical psychology
1Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University of Kozma Minin (Minin University), doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of the department of classical and practical psychology
2Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University of Kozma Minin (Minin University), postgraduate student of the department of classical and practical psychology
This article discusses the problem of the features of friendship as a type of close and meaningful relationships of personality in gender and age dimension. The authors outline the results of research on gender-specific conceptual aspects of representations of friendship in relation to older adolescence. Through the use of technology in storytelling, collected and analyzed factual material illustrating the diversity of the attitudes of 14-15 year old girls and boys about real friends and friendships. This article shows some gender variation in the understanding of the phenomenon of friendship from the perspective of older adolescents.
Keywords: friendly relations, friendship, friendship of boys and men, friendship of girls and women, ideas, older adolescents
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
The gender specificity of representations of teenagers about frendship // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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