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UDC 316.422.42
Kovalevskaya Elena Borisovna
Kuban State University
student 2 course Magistracy, Department of History, Sociology and International Relations, sociology Department
Kuban State University
student 2 course Magistracy, Department of History, Sociology and International Relations, sociology Department
Of particular relevance , the topic becomes considering the upcoming federal election. Given the steady increase in the number of people who actively use the Internet , as well as the continued expansion of the Internet in the regions , the Internet has become an extremely important channel of communication for the Russian society , a factor of instability of society. Lack of control over events occurring on the Internet - is a threat to the stability of life of the individual , social groups and society as a whole.
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
Internet as a factor of instability society // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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