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Yelshansky Serguei Petrovich1, Anufriev Aleksandr Fedorovich2, Efimova Olga Sergeevna3, Semyonov Dmitrij Vladimirovich4
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
4Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
4Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
The article presents the results of research of retest reliability of the A. Beck scale of depression. In the study participated 77 people aged 17 to 59 years, 15 men and 62 women. It has been found that in general the A. Beck test of depression has retest reliability, assessed by the test of depression symptoms of depression were quite stable and tend to persist throughout the investigated time period (1.5 months). While the retest reliability of the A. Beck test of depression has a gender specificity – found only in the female sample, therefore the assumption is made that depression is a more sustained and continued over time in women (compared to men).
Keywords: A. Beck test, depression, depression scale, psychodiagnostics, retest reliability
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Retest reliability of the A. Beck scale of depression features // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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