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UDC 378.1; 371.3
Timerzyanova Evgeniya Konstantinovna1, Timerzyanova Yulia Viktorovna2
1Novokuznetsk filial-institute by Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk, student
2Non-state educational institution, school - boarding school №19 of OJSC "Russian Railways", Novokuznetsk, teacher of additional education
1Novokuznetsk filial-institute by Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk, student
2Non-state educational institution, school - boarding school №19 of OJSC "Russian Railways", Novokuznetsk, teacher of additional education
The article reveals the peculiarities and specifics of socialization and personal fulfillment student in the structure determination and verification of the quality of the leading activities in various areas of socialization and self-realization, self-improvement and self-development. Thanks poly-systemic formulation problem of socialization and personal fulfillment through sport, science, art and culture to identify possible ways and forms of self-learning optimized for different conditions of the problem or system subject-environmental conflicts are directly related to the exercise table tennis. The need for inclusion of the student engaged in table tennis in the scientific-practical and scientific-research work is dictated by the terms of the implementation of the model of "lifelong learning", i.e. the inclusion of the individual in the system of continuing professional education. Today, every student can show itself in different ways culture, arts, sports, and even science, predetermining obtain a product of collaboration and co-creation as the standards and priorities of humane-personal relations. The productivity of the inclusion of the individual student in charge of table tennis, it is a consequence of formation of culture of independent work and performance can be investigated through the student portfolio that is defined by the needs and possibilities of health-education.
Keywords: humanism, pedagogical modeling, portfolio learner, professional and pedagogical culture, self-actualization productive, self-depending living activities culture of the student and teacher, self-realization, socialization, table tennis
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Fundamentals of health-pedagogy in the structure of employment with the students involved in table tennis // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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