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UDC 159.99
Yelshansky Serguei Petrovich1, Anufriev Aleksandr Fedorovich2, Efimova Olga Sergeevna3, Semyonov Dmitrij Vladimirovich4
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
4Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
4Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate in Psychology, Docent, Docent of the Work Psychology and Psychological Consulting Department
The article presents the results of factor analysis of the positive personal qualities – subjective well-being, happiness, hope, emotional maturity, ability to awareness of the present, life satisfaction, commitment to personal growth and initiative to him, and the inclination to curiosity and exploration, the motivation to search and realization of life's meaning, feelings of gratitude. Discovered that among the "positive" parameters are actually providing positivity and actually positive ("strictly positive"). Providing positivity parameters can be combined into the factor of " providing positivity". They are parameters such as the initiative for personal growth, curiosity and penchant for research, the ability to the present moment awareness and emotional maturity. "Strictly positive" parameters also form factor. They are satisfaction with life, subjective well-being and subjective happiness.The article may be of interest to all psychologists interested in issues of positive psychology.
Keywords: emotional maturity, factor analysis, gratitude, happiness, hope, personal growth, positive psychology, positivity, sense of life, well-being
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Factors of positivity // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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