UDC 159.99


Rysev Nikolay Yjrjevich
St. Petersburg State University
PhD student, Department of Ergonomics and Engineering Psychology, Faculty of Psychology

The subject of the research is the psychological manipulation in the context of the negotiation process. The author discusses the eight negotiation strategies: ignoring, adaptation, domination, manipulation, competition, compromise, cooperation. This classification is based on two parameters: 1. Attitude is "subject - object" or "subject - subject". 2. Intensity of the constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation. The author examines in detail the manipulation in terms of its necessary, sufficient and additional components. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of choice of the tactical methods of influence. The author conducted a psychological experiment, the design of which was made on basis of the business game "Strategy and tactics of negotiations." The experiment involved 156 people who spent 312 ten-minute talks with each other. The main conclusions are: 1. manipulation strategy is chosen people from the business environment along with other strategies. 2. Masking the true purpose is a necessary component of the manipulation 3. Important components of the manipulation are “playing on feelings (guilt, responsibility, etc.)” and “intrigue”. 4. Perhaps, “persuasion” and “argumentation”, as the concepts are very wide, and are replaced in the minds of the subjects the concept of "influence".

Category: 3. Psychology

Article reference:
Psychological manipulation among other negotiation strategies // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2016/09/7101

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