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UDC 316.613
Stavropolsky Yuliy Vladimirovich
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Ph.D. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the General & Social Psychology Department
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Ph.D. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the General & Social Psychology Department
In the late Imperial period in China (until the end of the twentieth century) the predictions were not so categorically oppositioned to science and to religion, as in Europe, especially after the seventeenth century. There is no doubt that Chinese scientists at the sunset of the Empire were well aware of the fact that the parameters of knowledge about the natural world has expanded, and the accuracy of forecasts has increased, but the scientific-minded subjects of the Qing dynasty at that time did not share any religious faith in the order of things, which were inspired by their European contemporaries, nor the belief that eventually all phenomena reveal their innermost secrets.
Keywords: Chinese, conjectural, empire, predictions, sage
Category: Common rubric
Article reference:
Heterodox divination and traditional Chinese psychology // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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