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UDC 81
Flerov Oleg Vladislavovich
Moscow State Regional University
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of English Language at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages of the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Moscow State Regional University
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of English Language at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages of the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
The article presents an analysis of languages traditionally studied in Russia for difficulty of learning. The author uses rating method for revealing definite didactic difficulties of teaching these languages according to the criteria that reflect linguistic material lying in the basis of any teaching approach. The novelty of the article consists in its showing this analysis on the background of introducing a second foreign language as a compulsory subject in schools, which raised the issue of choosing a language for learning.
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Comparative didactic analysis of romano-germanic languages // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2017. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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