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UDC 378.1; 371.3
Kolomiychenko Tatyana Andreevna1, Kozyrev Nikolay Anatolievich2, Kozyreva Olga Anatolievna3
1MBOU School № 52, Novokuznetsk, Teacher of Russian and literature
2Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, doctor of technical sciences, professor
3Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk institute filial by Kemerovo State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor
1MBOU School № 52, Novokuznetsk, Teacher of Russian and literature
2Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, doctor of technical sciences, professor
3Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk institute filial by Kemerovo State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor
The article describes the theory and practice of including the student engaged in hockey, in the scientific and pedagogical research system that ensures timely identification of the person and the solution of problems and self-empowerment, socialization and self-realization. The first step in solving the problems of incorporating scientific research into the structure of the student engaged in hockey, is a scientific and practical conference of students, "Portfolio as a result of the formation of the culture of independent work of the student'', which determines the self-examination and self-constructs and models implementing the scientific approach in education, guaranteeing quality identify and resolve contradictions and problems timely productive socialization and self-actualization, self-improvement and self-assertion, self-realization and cooperation. The second step of incorporating student engaged in hockey, in scientific work is described in the paper and implemented in high schools the process of solving development problems through NIRS, i.e. in vocational education student performs coursework, dissertations, wrote scientific publications, publishes them in the collections of regional, national, and international conferences, scientific journals). The third stage is the relentless personalized inclusion of the student with vocational education, in scientific research and scientific research (the system of additional vocational training), guaranteeing quality acme formation and acme design results personality development in a model professional and social relations, determined initially through hockey, and then through any other type of activity.
Keywords: of self-dependent living activities culture personality, pedagogical methodology; learner portfolio, pedagogical modeling, technology system-pedagogical modeling of self-dependent living activities culture of student, the culture of self-dependent living activities of the teacher
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
The possibility of including student, hockey player, in the system of scientific research in lifelong learning // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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