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UDC 316.61
Ulyanova Natalya Yuryevna1, Bliznukova Victoriya Viktorovna2
1Southern Federal University, PhD in Psychological Science , Lecturer of the Department of Management and Legal Psychology
2Southern Federal University, Student of the 1st year of the Master's Degree of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy
1Southern Federal University, PhD in Psychological Science , Lecturer of the Department of Management and Legal Psychology
2Southern Federal University, Student of the 1st year of the Master's Degree of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy
The article descrips results of a pilot study of socio-psychological adaptation, motivation of educational and future professional activity and level of claims of senior pupils in rural and urban schools. It was revealed that urban students have a significantly higher level of acceptance of themselves, internal control and motivation of the content of the teaching, and rural ones have significantly more submissiveness. Interrelations of the parameters of motivation, professional aspirations and socio-psychological adaptation of students have been established, what indicates to some motivational complexes typical for modern senior pupils.
Keywords: adolescents, level of aspiration, professional aspirations, professional motivation, professional orientation, senior pupils, socio-psychological adaptation
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Socio-psychological adaptation of students in rural and urban schools // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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