Articles by keyword «attention»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Исследование внимания у женщин во время беременности

№ 10 October 2013 | Category: 3. Psychology

Изучение внимания и внушаемости личности в рамках проблемы развития способности ребенка к самообеспечению безопасности

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Yelshansky S.P. Preference and ignoring of simple geometric shapes in the process of visual perception (eye tracking research)

April, 2014

Boriskova M.I. About the attention of younger teenagers in a special (correctional) school of VIII kind

January, 2015

Posypkina Y.V., Shigabetdinova G.M. Influence of different genres of music on human performance

February, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Boriskova M.I., Maksimova N.U. The question of development of the attention of children of primary school age

January, 2015