Articles by keyword «инженерное образование»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Факторы развития образования в контексте четвертой промышленной революции

№ 11 November 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

К вопросу подготовки инженерных кадров в рамках дуальной системы профессионального образования

№ 11 November 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kozhevnikov A.V. Modernization of educational process in the application of a multifunctional approach to the development and implementation of engineering education programs based on CDIO standards

May, 2014

Kozhevnikov A.V. Interdisciplinary projects in developing practice-oriented engineering education programs in the framework of international standards CDIO

June, 2014

Kozhevnikov A.V. Development of integrated engineering education programs networking with secondary and higher education institutions in the implementation of international standards CDIO

September, 2014

Kitov A.G., Bicheva I.B. Theoretical bases of innovative training of future engineers: tendencies and prospects

February, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Особенности вербализации концепта «инженерное образование» в русскоязычном университетском дискурсе

June, 2018

Сопоставительный анализ ключевых номинаций коцепта «инженерное образование / 工程教育»

June, 2018