Articles by keyword «риски»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Уверенность в себе студентов вуза как личностная детерминанта готовности к рискам нарушения безопасности

№ 1 January 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

Тревожность в системе психологической безопасности личности

№ 3 March 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Разработка автоматизированной информационной системы по проверке и анализу кредитоспособности заемщиков банка

November, 2011

Idrisova A.A., Khokhlova N.V. State and problems of development of the market aviation insurance in the Russian Federation

October, 2014

Lysenko O.A., Limareva O.A. Risk management as an element of improving expierences competitive strategy

June, 2015

Melnik A.V. Investment risks of the projects that realized in the conditions of Far North Russia

September, 2015

Shkulipa L.V. Increase of receivables: advantages and disadvantages

October, 2015

Zubkov S.V. Energy service contract as a mechanism of improving energy efficiency

December, 2015

Silvestrova S.S. The main reasons for the failure of merger and acquisition deals

January, 2016

Fedotov N.G., Timofeeva V.Y., Konovalov V.S. The organization of risk management system in the modern commercial bank

March, 2016

Marchenko R.S. Problems and ways in improving risk management system at mining projects

May, 2016

Направления укрепления экономической безопасности функционирования субъекта сферы малого предпринимательства

July, 2017

Риск–менеджмент в процессе управления финансами и финансовой политики энергетической компании

October, 2017

Анализ рисков бизнес-процессов

January, 2018

Риски и угрозы экономической безопасности предприятия

June, 2022

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Silaev A.V. Development of an automated information system for verifying and analyzing the creditworthiness of borrowers

May, 2011

Frolova V.B., Ivakina A.A. Impact of sanctions on the financial capacity of the insurance business in Russia

November, 2014

Frolova V.B., Sarkisian E.R. Actual problems of housing finance

November, 2014

Kamaha A.A. Risk management in electronic banking services

November, 2014

Lysenko O.A., Geleta I.V. Problems and ways to reduce the risks in the enterprise

June, 2015

Kretova T. Conflict potential of modern migration corridors: the main risks

October, 2015

Shaty V.Y. Modern features and effectiveness of financial risk management in the steel industry

March, 2016

Gracheva E.S. Accounting risks in due diligence of the business partner

May, 2016

Sushonkova E.Y. Quantitative risk assessment in project activities

November, 2016

Kuzmin E.V., Shorina A.A. Problems of venture funding of the entities in the Samara region

December, 2016

Dzyubenko E.V. Features of the impact of economic transformation processes of the agricultural production in Belgorod region

January, 2017

Sazonova A.A., Lyaskovskaya E.A. Operating leverage as a instrument of forecasting profit and possible risks of a productive enterprise

March, 2017

Khanova A.S. Improvement of methods and tools for managing the operational risks of the bank

April, 2017

Shamina E.M., Domnina A.I., Ivanova D.S., Toropova A.I. On effective delegation of authority

April, 2017

Milushev B.R., Grekova V.A. Internal control system of calculations with suppliers and buyers, and some ways of further improvement and development

April, 2017

Vilisova A.S. Risks and threats to the functioning of economic entities in the sphere of the land market

November, 2017

Vilisova A.S. The concept and classification of risks and threats to economic security

November, 2017

Риски при организации процесса сертификации инновационного медицинского оборудования

December, 2017

Определение оценки рисков на предприятии

December, 2018

Особенности применения системы сбалансированных показателей в рамках стратегического управления рисками теплоснабжающих организаций

November, 2019

Социально-политическая трансформация российского общества: субъективные и объективные факторы

December, 2021

Применение СМАРТ-технологий для развития студенческой экосистемы вуза

December, 2022

Методика оценки и управления рисками системы менеджмента качества

February, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Saratova A.A., Borisov A.A. Features of realization of the risk management system in the field of culture

October, 2015

Экономическая безопасность муниципальных образований: сущность, факторы и методика оценки состояния экономической безопасности

January, 2021

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Управление рисками по качеству на предприятии

March, 2016