Articles by keyword «scale»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Психометрические показатели русскоязычной версии теста «Опросник смысла жизни» (MLQ)

№ 10 October 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Кросскультурные исследования по социальной психологии и по психологии развития в Японии

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Rokotova E.I. The value of a school atlas of modern process of training

November, 2015

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. The Russian-language version of the “Curiosity and Exploration Inventory” (CEI-II)

June, 2016

Semev K.M., Medvedeva S.V., Vasiliev E.A. Guidelines for determination of heat treatment of the bearing production defects

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Some psychometrical indicators of the Russian-language version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale

October, 2015