Articles by keyword «self-determination»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Специфика индивидуального психологического консультирования девиантных подростков

№ 3 March 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Психологические условия становления психологической готовности к личностному саморазвитию в юношеском возрасте

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Komarova E.V. Self-control and self-determination as a basic means of learning a foreign language

January, 2015

Ostroumova E.V. Dynamics of students’ value orientations in the study process

March, 2015

Galutskaya M.Y. Features of psychological readiness for personal self-determination at youthful age

February, 2016

Fomichev A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Features of learning the basics of pedagogical knowledge constructs a historical approach

May, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kobysheva L.I. Organization of professional self-determination of students in high school

September, 2014