Author: Петров Владислав Евгеньевич

Articles of the author in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Исследование моделей оценивания и прогнозирования имиджа сотрудников дорожно-патрульной службы

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Исследование исполнительской дисциплины сотрудников органов внутренних дел с помощью опросника оценки прокрастинации

№ 5 May 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

Методика исследования психологической установки на использование световозвращающих элементов пешеходами

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Petrov V.E. Psychologically relevant factors determining the management style of the vehicle

January, 2016

Petrov V.E. Forecasting the degree of sustainability of anti-corruption behavior of employees of the state traffic Inspectorate on the basis of the California psychological questionnaire

February, 2016

Petrov V.E. The interpretation of psycho diagnostic data of a personal questionnaire assessing the reliability of the driver

March, 2016

Ryzhov B.S. The impact of training in the educational collectives of specialized educational institutions on the formation of group cohesion

April, 2016

Petrov V.E. Psychological analysis of the problem of dangerous management style of the vehicle

August, 2016