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UDC 159.9
Akushtv Valeri Evgenevij
Kainar University
Kainar University
The theoretical basis of research the methodology of attention “Circle- Spiral” in this article we propose a new approach in the work with attention. This approach increases the variation in the using of this method. The first, there is considered: the perception; identification of the prevalence of right or left hemisphere; the work not only with concentration, but also the possibility of relaxation; the efficiency in formation of peripheral vision; the potential of work with involuntary attention, as well as therapeutic option. Short reflections of spiral-shaped in the works of Vygotsky L. S., Elkonin D. B., Galperin P. J., Shabelnikov V. K..
Category: Common rubric
Article reference:
Technique "the Circle - the Spiral" // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2013. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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