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UDC 791.43.067+7.097
Shigapova Ilseyar Ildusovna
Kazan State University of Culture and Arts
Ph.D., assistant Professor of the television The dean’s deputy of the Institute of Film and Television
Kazan State University of Culture and Arts
Ph.D., assistant Professor of the television The dean’s deputy of the Institute of Film and Television
The article attempts to analyze the concept of screen culture and screen speech, to trace the evolution of phenomena in its historical slice. The problem, connected with the development of screen culture and of speech screen, is being revealed. New screen culture and screen speech have not only suggestive, but also manipulative properties.
Keywords: screen culture, screen speech, the art of cinematography, the art of television
Category: Common rubric
Article reference:
Screen culture and screen speech // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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