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UDC 159.9
Khudoyan Ani Samvel
Armenian pedogogical state university after Khachatur Abovyan, Yerevan
PHD student, Department of development and applied psychology, junior researcher at psychological research laboratory
Armenian pedogogical state university after Khachatur Abovyan, Yerevan
PHD student, Department of development and applied psychology, junior researcher at psychological research laboratory
Quarter-life crisis is an important part of our life. And in this work we speak about psychological features of this crisis. During our experiments we have found that if the person doesn't realize the main problems of this age, his anxiety level may be increased, and if he realizes it, his anxiety level will rapidly fall down.
Keywords: age problem, degree of anxiety, quarter- life crisis, self-consciousness
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Psychological feautures of 25-35 age crisis // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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